SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, categoryId, packageId, ADDDATE(creationDate, 14) > NOW() as isNew FROM Arfooo_sites INNER JOIN Arfooo_categoryparents ON Arfooo_categoryparents.childId = Arfooo_sites.categoryId WHERE status = 'validated' AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Arfooo_categories WHERE Arfooo_categories.categoryId=Arfooo_sites.categoryId AND forbidden='0') AND ((MATCH (siteTitle, description) AGAINST ('duguláselhárítás' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR siteTitle LIKE '%duguláselhárítás%' OR description LIKE '%duguláselhárítás%' OR LOCATE( 'duguláselhárítás', url ) > 0 )) AND Arfooo_categoryparents.parentId = '0' ORDER BY Arfooo_sites.priority DESC, creationDate LIMIT 20 OFFSET 20